do indoor cats need a collar

Do Indoor Cats Need Collars For Protection?

Do indoor cats need collars is a question many cat owners ask themselves when considering the best way to keep their beloved felines safe. Collars are an important part of cat care and safety, even for indoor only cats. Understanding the benefits that come with putting a collar on your cat as well as which…

Causes and treatment of inappropriate urination in cats

Inappropriate Urination In Cats – Crisis to Cure

Cats are beloved family members, but sometimes they can present behavioral issues that require attention. Inappropriate urination in cats is one such issue and it can be difficult to treat if you don’t know the cause. To understand how to best approach improper urination in cats let’s first discuss what this problem looks like and…

Keeping Your Cat Cool: Simple Steps for Hot Weather Care

Cats are an adorable addition to any home, but understanding how to keep your cat cool in hot weather is essential. Knowing the signs of heat exhaustion can be life-saving for your feline friends, while cooling down a cat quickly and safely should always be done with caution. In this article you will get an…

Scratching Cat Behavior – Understand Why and Prevent

Most of the time a scratching cat is just carrying out his natural instincts. It helps them mark their territory, exercise their muscles and keep their claws sharp. But it can also be destructive to furniture and other items in the home if not managed properly. Here I’m going to explore how best to look…

caring for indoor cats

Caring for Indoor Cats: Keeping Them Happy and Healthy

Are you considering keeping your pet cat indoors? It’s a fast growing option among cat owners, but there are some important things to consider. Indoor cats need more than just food and water – they require love, attention, stimulation and physical exercise in order to stay healthy. But is that enough and how can we…

the best indoor cat breeds

Discover the 12 Best Indoor Cat Breeds for Your Home

Are you looking for a furry companion to share your home with? There are many indoor cat breeds but each has its own traits and requirements. Choosing which cat breed is going to live in your home can be overwhelming as there are so many wonderful options out there. Here, I’ll explore 12 of the…

large outdoor cat enclosures

5 Large Outdoor Cat Enclosures Perfect For Indoor Cats

Do you want to give your indoor cat the opportunity to get fresh air and exercise while remaining safe? Large outdoor cat enclosures are an ideal solution. These secure spaces allow cats to explore their surroundings without putting them in danger of cars or other predators. With a variety of types available, from easy-to-assemble modular…

life expectancy of an indoor cat compared to cats allowed to roam free

Life Expectancy For Indoor Cats

The life expectancy of a cat depends largely on its lifestyle but indoor cats typically live much longer than outdoor cats. Here, I’ll be discussing the average lifespan of indoor and outdoor cats, as well as common causes of death for both types. I’ll also provide tips for maximizing your own pet’s life cycle so…

Use cat spikes to keep cats out of your yard

Discover Cat Spikes & Keep Even Stubborn Cats Away

Are you having trouble keeping neighbourhood cats out of your garden? Have you tried every trick in the book to keep them away but nothing has worked so far? Cat deterrent spikes may be the answer. As a humane way of deterring felines, cat spikes can provide an effective solution while also protecting gardens from…

keep cats off window sills

How To Keep Cats Off Window Sills

Do you have cats that keep jumping onto window sills? It can be a nuisance, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right techniques and tools, you can learn how to keep cats off window sills so they no longer become an issue for you or your home. From deterring cats from even thinking…

how to keep cats off your outdoor furniture

Discover How to keep Cats Off Outdoor Furniture

Cats can be wonderful companions but they can also be a nuisance, especially for gardeners or for folk who have a patio they like to chill out on. There’s nothing worse than making your coffee and heading out to your patio to catch the morning sun and discovering your favorite chair is covered in cat…

plants to deter cats from your garden

9 Plants To Deter Cats From Your Garden

Do you have a problem with cats coming into your garden and ruining all of the hard work you’ve put in? Using plants to deter cats from your yard can help keep unwanted neighbourhood cats out while keeping your beloved indoor cat happy and healthy at home. From Geranium to Lemon Balm, we’ll discuss some…

Coleus Canina

Coleus Canina – The Scaredy Cat Plant

Do you have a garden that is being overrun by neighbourhood cats? Or an indoor cat who needs extra attention and care? Coleus canina, also known as the scaredy cat plant, may be just what you need. This sun loving, drought tolerant and hardy plant has been used for centuries to deter cats from entering…


Do Indoor Cats Need Shots Every Year?

Do indoor cats need shots or are they safe because they don’t mix with stray or roaming cats? It’s a question that many cat owners ask themselves. The truth is, even if your beloved feline friend never leaves the house and lives an exclusively indoors lifestyle, they still require vaccinations to help keep them healthy…

keep cat out of bed

How To Keep a Cat Off Your Bed

Having an indoor cat can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it can also bring a few challenges. One of the most common struggles that pet owners face is finding ways to stop a cat sleeping on their bed. Fortunately, there are some simple strategies you can use to help discourage your feline from snuggling…

Do Coffee Grounds Keep Cats Away?

Do Coffee Grounds Keep Cats Away or are the Risks too Great?

If you’re looking for an inexpensive and biodegradable way to keep cats away from your yard, then you may be considering using coffee grounds. It is well known that coffee grounds have a powerful scent that cats are not fond of but do coffee grounds keep cats away or is this yet another old wives…

how to keep cats off your car

How To Keep Cats Off Your Car

Free roaming cats have a habit of sitting on car hoods which can result in paw prints and even scratches on your paint work. Discovering how to keep cats off your car can be tricky as its not a one size fits all solution so below I’ve listed the best methods I’ve found for you…