keep cats off your lawn

Keep Cats Off Your Lawn For Good

As you probably know, cats like to bury their poop which is why they are attracted to our freshly raked borders and forked raised beds. Although not common, it has been known for some male cats to forsake the burying part and instead take a liking to doing its business on your nice lawn. You…

chicken wire to prevent cats digging

Cats Hate Chicken Wire

One of the best and most useful cat deterrent tips I ever found online was that cats do not like the feel of chicken wire on the pads of their paws so they won’t climb it and avoid walking on it if at all possible. Not only that but they can’t dig in any areas…

How to keep cats out of your yard

How To Keep Cats Out Of Your Yard: Tips, Tricks & Natural Solutions

Fed up with the local cat population crapping in your flower beds? Do you want to discover how to keep cats out of your yard? You’re not alone and whilst it can be a difficult task, often it is possible. By identifying access points and using deterrents such as water sprayers, noise repellents or physical…

Cat Spray Repellents – The Pros and Cons of Cat Sprayers

While most commercial cat deterrents are designed to scare cats away, cat spray repellents work by making an area less attractive to cats by giving off a smell or taste they don’t like. Some of them contain the urine of foxes or other cat predators so I suppose you could argue they fall under the…

Cat Repellent Recipes You Can Make Yourself

Using one of these home made cat repellent recipes means you will know exactly what ingredients are in it so you can be sure it is environmentally friendly and safe. It’s also a lot cheaper than buying a commercial cat deterrent and they tend to be friendlier to the human nose! Why are there so many…

water bottle cat deterrent

Water Bottle and Cat Myth

If you have spent more than half an hour looking for ways to keep cats out of your garden you will have come across the old water bottle and cat myth, probably more than once. I have seen posts on gardeners forums where people swear leaving half filled bottles of water around the garden scares…