How To

All your “how to” questions answered here with everything from how to keep a cat off your car to how to feed quail eggs to your cat.

How To Brush Cats Teeth

How to Brush Cats Teeth: A Simple Guide for Happy Smiles

Maintaining your cat’s dental health is essential for their overall well-being, and brushing their teeth can play a crucial role in this process. Dental plaque and tartar buildup can lead to various issues ranging from bad breath to severe oral infections. A simple yet effective routine can go a long way, so let’s dive into…

How To Give Apple Cider Vinegar To Cats

How to Give Apple Cider Vinegar to Cats And Promote a Healthy Digestive Tract

Apple cider vinegar has gained popularity as a natural remedy for various health issues, and its benefits extend to our feline friends too. When used appropriately, apple cider vinegar can aid in maintaining a cat’s overall health and wellness. How to give apple cider vinegar to cats: One of the best ways to administer apple…

How To Make Catnip Spray

How to Make Catnip Spray: Hilariously Irresistible Feline Bliss Hack

Catnip spray can be a game-changer for feline enthusiasts in search of a fun, safe way to engage their fur-covered family members. One might wonder, “What sorcery is this, and will someone please tell me how to make catnip spray at home?” Fear not, for this article shall guide curious pet parents through the delightful…

How To Stop Free Feeding Cats

How to Stop Free Feeding Cats: Effective Tips for a Healthier Feline Friend

Many cat owners have embraced the concept of free feeding, believing it keeps their feline friends content with a constant supply of food. However, recent studies have shown that this method can lead to overweight and unhealthy cats. Learning how to stop free feeding cats allows owners to monitor their pet’s food intake better, thereby…

How to Cook Zucchini for Cats

How to Cook Zucchini for Cats: Easy & Nutritious Treat

Caring for a feline companion often includes providing them with a nutritious and varied diet. One healthy addition to a cat’s menu is zucchini, which is packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals. However, preparing zucchini for cats requires a bit of extra care, as their dietary needs and preferences are different from humans. This article…

ow To Stop Cats Scratching Carpet

How to Stop Cats Scratching Carpet: Quick and Easy Solutions

Cats are wonderful pets, but sometimes their natural behavior like scratching can cause damage to carpets and other household items. Scratching is a normal activity for cats, as it helps them maintain their claws, mark their territory, and relieve stress. While it’s essential to understand that scratching is an instinctual habit for our feline friends,…

How to Stop My Cat's Bum From Smelling

How to Stop My Cat’s Bum from Smelling: Hassle-Free Tips

Cats are lovely companions, but sometimes their hygiene habits might leave their owners with a smelly problem. A cat’s behind can emit an unpleasant odor for various reasons such as dietary issues or a lack of grooming. Addressing the issue of a smelly cat bottom starts with understanding the potential causes. With proper care and…

How to Feed Quail Eggs to Cats

How to Feed Quail Eggs to Cats For a Happy, Healthy Feline

Quail eggs are a nutritious addition to a feline’s diet, as they are rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and essential vitamins and minerals. With a high level of digestibility, these tiny eggs can offer numerous health benefits for cats. Introducing quail eggs into a cat’s meal plan requires careful considerations, including portion size and…

how to control cat hair in your home

How to Control Cat Hair: Tips and Tricks for a Fur-Free Home

Cats are known for their affectionate nature and playful personalities, but they are also notorious for shedding hair. Shedding is a natural phenomenon and if you don’t know how to control cat hair then before you know it fur can find itself all around your home, from furniture to clothing. It can also cause allergies…

How To Tell How Bad a Flea Infestation Is

Flea invasions may be a significant issue for cats and their people, yet it can be hard to assess the degree of the problem. Do you have just a few fleas or are they taking over your home? Determining how to tell how bad a flea infestation is will be key to successfully eliminating them,…

how to clean cat spray off your walls

How to Clean Cat Spray Off Walls: A Step-by-Step Guide

Having an indoor cat is a rewarding experience, but it can also bring unexpected challenges like cleaning cat spray off walls. Many pet owners are surprised to find their beloved feline friend marking walls and furniture with its urine as a way of claiming territory or expressing stress. It’s important to understand why your cat…

how to get rid of cat allergies

How To Get Rid Of Cat Allergies Naturally

Do you suffer from allergies caused by cats? Do not despair, there is hope. You can get rid of cat allergies naturally without the use of harsh medications. An Allergy to cats is very common and affects millions of people every year, but with the right information and remedies it doesn’t have to be a…

keep cats off window sills

How To Keep Cats Off Window Sills

Do you have cats that keep jumping onto window sills? It can be a nuisance, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right techniques and tools, you can learn how to keep cats off window sills so they no longer become an issue for you or your home. From deterring cats from even thinking…

how to keep cats off your outdoor furniture

Discover How to keep Cats Off Outdoor Furniture

Cats can be wonderful companions but they can also be a nuisance, especially for gardeners or for folk who have a patio they like to chill out on. There’s nothing worse than making your coffee and heading out to your patio to catch the morning sun and discovering your favorite chair is covered in cat…

keep cat out of bed

How To Keep a Cat Off Your Bed

Having an indoor cat can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it can also bring a few challenges. One of the most common struggles that pet owners face is finding ways to stop a cat sleeping on their bed. Fortunately, there are some simple strategies you can use to help discourage your feline from snuggling…

how to keep cats off your car

How To Keep Cats Off Your Car

Free roaming cats have a habit of sitting on car hoods which can result in paw prints and even scratches on your paint work. Discovering how to keep cats off your car can be tricky as its not a one size fits all solution so below I’ve listed the best methods I’ve found for you…

how to keep cats out of a sandbox

How To Keep Cats Out Of Sandboxes

Jean from Kings Lynn wrote asking for advice on how to keep cats from pooping in her kids sandbox. She tells me the culprits are neighbours cats. How to keep cats out of your sandbox It is essential you stop cats from pooping in your Child’s sandbox as you are exposing them to the risk…