How To Keep Cats Off Window Sills

  • By: Bob
  • Last updated: June 11, 2023
  • Time to read: 5 min.

Do you have cats that keep jumping onto window sills? It can be a nuisance, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right techniques and tools, you can learn how to keep cats off window sills so they no longer become an issue for you or your home.

From deterring cats from even thinking about jumping up on the sill to creating an environment that discourages them from doing so. Discover how to keep cats off window sills by reading my guide below.

Deterring Neighborhood Cats from Jumping onto Window Sills

how to keep cats off window sills

Physical Barriers: One of the most effective ways to keep cats from jumping onto window sills is by installing physical barriers. Screens or grates can be placed on the window sill, making it difficult for cats to climb up and reach the window.

Placing plants on the sill can also act as a deterrent, as cats don’t like stepping over them. Additionally, try some of my recommended plants to deter cats that can be grown in pots and placed on your sills.

Another way to deter cats from jumping onto window sills is by using natural repellents. Sprinkling citrus peels on the sill will give off a strong scent that cats don’t like and will discourage them from trying to jump up there.

Applying essential oils such as lavender or citronella oil directly onto the sill can also help repel cats away from your windowsill area. Lastly, spraying vinegar around the window frame may help keep curious felines at bay due to its pungent smell which they find unappealing.

Training Your Cat Not to Jump onto Window Sills

Training your cat not to jump onto certain window sills inside your home is an important part of being a responsible indoor cat owner. Cats can easily get injured if they fall from high windows, so it’s important to take steps to prevent this from happening.

Encourage your indoor cat to use a particular window from which to watch the world go by. One that is safe and not too high. Consider either making a DIY cat window guard or purchase one of the commercial window guards for cats that are available.

There are two main methods for training cats not to jump on window sills: positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement.

Positive Reinforcement Techniques

Rewarding good behavior with treats and praise is one way of encouraging your cat not to jump up on the window sill. Providing an alternative place for your cat to sit and look out of a window, such as a comfortable chair or bed, will also help keep them away from the window sill.

Making sure that your cat has enough stimulation and exercise during the day will also help keep them occupied and less likely to attempt jumping up on the window sill.

Negative Reinforcement Techniques

Clapping or making loud noises when you see your cat attempting to jump up on the window sill can be effective in discouraging this behavior. Blowing air at your cat when it attempts to jump up on the window sill may also startle them enough that they won’t try again right away.

Closing curtains or blinds when you see your cat attempting to climb onto the windowsill can also be helpful in preventing accidents by blocking their view outside altogether.

By training your cat to stay off window sills, you can create a safe and comfortable environment for both you and your pet. Next, we’ll look at how to create an environment that discourages cats from jumping onto window sills.

Recap: To discourage indoor cats from jumping on window sills, use positive reinforcement techniques such as treats and praise or negative reinforcement techniques such as clapping or making loud noises. Providing an alternative spot to sit, ensuring enough stimulation and exercise, closing curtains and blowing air can also help.

Creating an Environment That Discourages Cats from Jumping onto Window Sills

Keeping windows clean and free of food smells is an important step in deterring cats from jumping onto window sills. Cats are attracted to the smell of food, so if there’s a lingering scent near your windowsill, it could be enough to draw them in.

To prevent this, make sure that you regularly clean any spills or crumbs off your window sills and keep all food stored away out of sight. Additionally, try using air fresheners or other scented products around the area to mask any odors that may attract cats.

Removing objects that attract cats such as bird feeders from nearby areas can also help discourage cats from jumping onto window sills. Bird feeders often bring birds close to windows which can be very tempting for curious felines.

To keep cats off window sills make sure that you keep bird feeders out of sight from the offending window and don’t leave any other items outside like toys or pet beds that might entice cats into coming closer.

Finally, ensuring there are no places where cats can hide near window sills is key in keeping them away from these areas altogether. Cats love hiding spots as they provide safety and comfort, so if you have plants or shrubs close by your window sill then it could be providing a cozy place for neighborhood kitties to hang out and watch for danger.

Make sure you trim back overgrown foliage around the area and check for potential hiding spots on a regular basis so they won’t be tempted to jump up on the sill when no one is looking.

Recap: To keep cats off window sills, make sure to: 1. Clean windows and remove food smells 2. Use air fresheners or scented products 3. Remove bird feeders from nearby areas 4. Trim back overgrown foliage near the window sill


cats on a high window ledge

Learning how to keep cats off window sills – especially if you live in a multi-storey building – will give you peace of mind and hopefully I’ve passed on some helpful tips here to help you achieve this.

Deterring cats from jumping onto the window sill can be as easy as placing plants or leaving lemon peel on the sill.

Training your own cat not to jump onto your indoor window sills is also an option and can be achieved through positive reinforcement techniques.

Lastly, creating an environment that discourages cats from jumping onto window sills should also be considered as it may provide a long-term solution for keeping cats away from your window sills. With these tips in mind, you should have no problem finding a way to keep cats off window sills in your home.

Do you want to keep feral and neighbourhood cats away from your window sills and out of your garden? There are a variety of solutions available. From humane deterrents like motion-activated sprinklers, scent repellents, or even visual distractions such as fake owls.

Check out all my reviews and tests on a variety of commercial cat deterrents here and say hello to a cat free garden.

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